Creating content can be HARD. Does this cycle sound familiar?
I need to create content.
I need to do it.
Ok, today's the day.
(sitting staring at a screen)
Don't do it.
Have a creative burst and create a bunch of content.
Hit burnout,
Cycle repeats.
Sound familiar?
It doesn't have to be this way!
Here's the thing: creating consistent content is imperative for your success. It's a way we serve our current client and market ourselves to future ones. It positions you as an authority and leader in your field.
We're sharing a simple, strategic way for your to create and cycle content and use it systematically amongst all your platforms and avoid burnout.
1. Write the blog post/article.
The foundational step will be the basis for all the other steps. So while writing the blog or article is the largest investment of time, it all gets easier from here.
In your post, make sure you're being as thorough as necessary and as minimal as possible. Sound contradictory? It's an art (that we're constantly trying to work on).
2. Create your podcast/youtube (if applicable).
We know not everyone has a podcast or YouTube channel. But, if you do, or are thinking about it, this is the natural next step.
You already have the research, information and instruction done, so now's the time to turn it to an audible version.
ProTip: We record our YouTube video then save it as an MP3 for our podcast. So we're only do an audio/visual one time then using it on two platforms.
3. Send the article to your email list subscribers.
Directly send your article, (and/or podcast/youtube) to your subscribers. Your email can be a lead in to the full post or it can be within other information you may be writing them about. There's no 'right' way, it just depends on how you interact with your community.
The goal is to drive more traffic to your website to your website so make sure that you give information to hook them but drive them to your website to find out more.
4. Break up the article into 2-3 social media posts.
Take your content and create 2-3 social media posts. If you've layered it well, this should be no problem. You can educate with different data or information, present a problem/solution, share a personal story related to the article, etc... Get creative, but remember, you already wrote the content.
If you're actively updating links in your Instagram profile then you can add a link to the blogpost and create a call to action to check out more.
5. Share your topic in stories 2-3 times.
Here, you have an amazing opportunity. You get to engage with your audience and ask them questions, take polls and collect market research about the topic. You get to find out their ideas and questions about the topic. Then you can carry on conversations in your DM's, create relationship, build your authority and learn more about your audience.
Using systems to create content helps you avoid the content burnout and clearly communicate with your audience. Here's one final thing to remember-
Make sure all content directs your audience somewhere. To a actively market and build your brand, growth is your goal.